Sunday 27 September 2015

Day 21 - Give me ALL the Food - A Very Hangry Day

Eurgh... Where to start! On the morning of my 21st W30 day, I woke up tired before work (lately I've been feeling fresh) but my chia porridge saw me through teaching a 90 minute HIIT/Bootcamp session. Then my partner and I took a walk to a local shop to for a top up of fruit, veg and eggs but felt so overwhelmed by EVERYTHING off limits. Oh how I wanted hummus, bread rolls, cookies, cereal, cheese, energy drinks, wine, a proper spag bowl... JUST LET ME EAT!

We refrained from temptation and strolled home, but by that point we felt so done with the W30 (he's not doing it but eating what I eat when at home). I felt as though I was letting myself down, negative thoughts, hadn't really entered my head before. Sure I had a few cravings early on but since day 17, when nothing but positive thoughts and high energy were running through my veins I thought I was breezing the home straight.

I felt tired, I had an awful headache, I'd lost all motivation to cook and consume compliant foods. For the first time in 21 days I felt bloated and had a stomach ache. This was not good.

I'm not the kind of person to give up, I'm especially competitive with myself, so quitting wasn't an option. I have never tried mackerel before, so decided to cook some up for lunch as I wasn't overly hungry anyway, so if I didn't like it my OH could eat my leftovers.

It was OK... But I still wanted bad food, I wanted a binge, and the fact I couldn't have it made me want it more. So I had to keep myself busy, I had to make myself drink more water too (shift this headache). Here's some of the things I done to keep my mind away from junk:

  • I organised the freezer, making room for a Muscle Food delivery due on Monday
  • I cleared out our cupboards, throwing away dried pasta (which we never ate anyway) and other non compliant foods I'm not keen on adding back into my diet
  • I snacked on compliant food (not ideal but the stomach pains were making my headache worse and it's better than quitting)
  • I done some exercise
  • I started writing this post
  • I prepped some food and sauces ready for next week
I didn't really want much for dinner, although starving I just didn't feel inspired. So I ended up making a 5 egg frittata with onion, tomato, and a tin of tuna. Shared it with my OH with some home made coleslaw. It felt a bit naughty and greasy (cooked in clarified butter), so it seemed to do the trick, the only thing that was missing was a glass of wine! I'm not a fan of take away, at any time, but remarked that if ever we were tempted a frittata would be my number one go to (but might have the wine next time)!

DAY 22

Whilst prepping food yesterday I made up more chia porridge, so I had this with a chopped apple for breakfast. I woke up feeling positive, my headache had gone although still a little bloated. We had the challenge of meeting friends today, so I planned ahead and made up a tuna steak with broccoli, green beans, carrots, more home made coleslaw and more home made guacamole! We happily gobbled it down, but a few hours later became hungry, we had a new challenge...

We scoured a few menus and I found one restaurant that offered gluten/vegan menus and catered for intolerances/allergies so we went there. I chose a salad and asked the staff how the broccoli and green beans were cooked (boiled) and asked if they could make it up WITHOUT the parmesan, croutons and dressing. They happily obliged. I felt really hungry though, so asked if I could have some plain grilled chicken, once again they were happy to help. I joked with the waiter that I'm going to be a complete pain, and I needed to remove all the tasty things from their food, he laughed and it broke the ice a bit. It was slightly embarrassing and I'm pleased I have no further social plans whilst on the W30 but it has made me realise that I CAN make healthier, more compliant choices in the future, even if one or two non compliant ingredients are desired. 

I found this to be a HUGE victory and I'm proud and completely back on track and raring to go for day 23!

I've still had a few healthy snacks today, almonds, fruit, and a boiled egg but tried to eat as close to the meals as possible. I'm still hungry, but don't think that'll ever change ;-)

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